Subparts (Under 'parts\s' in LDraw) of type '~Hinge'
All Parts / Subparts / ~Hinge
Name # Image
~Hinge 6 x 3 Radar/Blade/Spoiler/Panel - 1/4 Radar Background2440p68b.dat
~Hinge 6 x 3 Radar/Blade/Spoiler/Panel - 1/4 Radar Pattern2440p68a.dat
~Hinge 6 x 3 Radar/Blade/Spoiler/Panel without Front Surface2440s01.dat
~Hinge Arm Locking - Axlehole Body30552s01.dat
~Hinge Arm Locking - Center Body 1/4480s03.dat
~Hinge Arm Locking - Centre Body with Hole - 1/430554bs01.dat
~Hinge Arm Locking - Dual Finger End480s02.dat
~Hinge Arm Locking Ridge Segment483s01.dat
~Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Locking 30364/30365 Common Region30364s01.dat
~Hinge Brick 1 x 4 Locking Double without Front and Back Faces30387s01.dat
~Hinge Brick 1 x 8 Male/Female Common Subpart652s01.dat
~Hinge Car Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof2349s01.dat
~Hinge for Door Arched 5 x 7.5 Fabulandu9318s01.dat
~Hinge Panel 2 x 4 x 3 & 1/3 without Front Face2582s01.dat
~Hinge Panel 2 x 4 x 3.333 Locking without Front Face44572s01.dat
~Hinge Panel 2 x 4 x 3.333 with SW Gungan Sub Pattern Half2582ps0s01.dat
~Hinge Plate 1 x 12 with Angled Sides and Tapered Ends Half57906s01.dat
~Hinge Plate 1 x 8 with Angled Side Extensions30407s01.dat
~Hinge Plate 2 x 7 with 3L Bendable Coupling Nylon - End650s01.dat
~Hinge Wedge 1 x 3 Locking w/ 2 Fingers, 2 Studs - Clip Finger41529s0.dat

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