Q & A
How do I get LEGO parts for a model that I would like to build?You can use Bricklink and the tools available on this site in order to get parts. See how in this video How does "visibility" on instructions work and who can see my instructions?You can set visibility of your instructions to the following values:
  • Public: Everyone can see the instructions. The instructions will be shown on the front page and in searches once moderated.
  • Unlisted: Everyone can see the instructions. The instructions will not appear on the front page, nor in searches.
  • Instructions Private: Everyone can see everything about your model, except the step-by-step instructions. This includes the parts list. The instructions will not appear on the front page, nor in searches. Only you and the website administrator can see the instructions. The instructions file used for the parts list will appear scrambled: There will be no steps, no metadata, and parts are placed incorrectly, making the reconstructions of the building instructions file nearly impossible.
  • Private: Only you and the website administrator can see the instructions and information about it. Everyone else will be met with a page containing only the lock icon and a message informing them that the instructions are private.
Can I print the building instructions or get them as PDF?No. buildinginstructions.js is meant as an alternative to PDF's and printed paper, as it is one of our core values to offer a sustainable alternative. How do I get my instructions approved?Instructions are manually approved by moderators once they have time. Instructions can be approved once there is an image that represents the model being built, a proper title, steps in the instructions, and the other information appears to be correct. If there are any issues with, then moderators typically provide a comment with what needs to be changed to get the instructions moderated. I have a suggestion for improving something on BrickHub. What do I do now?Please contact me using email: lassedeleuran@gmail.com. I will happily take ideas for improvements. If you want to improve buildinginstructions.js, then please raise pull requests on Github. How long does it take to get a response on a facebook message request?I do not respond to facebook messenger requests. Please see contact details below. How do I contact you on Instagram?I am not personally on Instagram. Please see contact details below. Are there building instructions for the big Kay Bojesen monkey?No.

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BrickHub.org is a place for sharing LEGO building instructions. Instructions are generated in real time, allowing you to personalise them just for your liking. As a creator you can upload instructions and immediately view steps, parts, 3D models and more.

BrickHub is based on open source software with the building instructions from buildinginstructions.js, 3D functionality from three.js and parts library from LDraw. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group. BrickHub.org is neither owned, endorsed, nor operated by the LEGO Group. Contact: lassedeleuran@gmail.com