Subparts (Under 'parts\s' in LDraw) of type '~Fabuland'
All Parts / Subparts / ~Fabuland
Name # Image
~Fabuland Aviator Helmet Halfu9200s01.dat
~Fabuland Basket - Halfu606s01.dat
~Fabuland Boat 8 x 14 - Half4793s01.dat
~Fabuland Captain's Cap Half4792s01.dat
~Fabuland Car Roof with Hinge - Half4468s01.dat
~Fabuland Carpet Beater Halfu9412s01.dat
~Fabuland Fence 1 x 6 x 2 Rounded Half2040s01.dat
~Fabuland Ferris Wheel Axle Knurl4779s01.dat
~Fabuland Fireman's Helmet Halfu9143s01.dat
~Fabuland Fishing Rod Half4327s01.dat
~Fabuland Frame Saw Twisted Bar - Segment4331s01.dat
~Fabuland House Block End Panel - Clipu9311s01.dat
~Fabuland House Block End Panel Arched - Door Clipu9312s01.dat
~Fabuland Lamppost Pole 1/124781s01.dat
~Fabuland Merry-Go-Round Platform - 1/44874s01.dat
~Fabuland Merry-Go-Round Roof - 1/64841s01.dat
~Fabuland Merry-Go-Round Roof Seat Attachment4841s02.dat
~Fabuland Policeman/Postman's Cap Halfu9154s01.dat
~Fabuland Refrigerator Cabinet - Half2131s01.dat
~Fabuland Scooter Chassis Back Halfu9204s02.dat
~Fabuland Scooter Chassis Front Halfu9204s01.dat
~Fabuland Scooter Wheel Supportu9204s03.dat
~Fabuland Shovel Blade Half556s01.dat
~Fabuland Slide - Side4876s01.dat
~Fabuland Sou'wester Halfu9159s01.dat
~Fabuland Straw Hat Halfu9201s01.dat
~Fabuland Telephone Base Half4610s01.dat
~Fabuland Tree Apples Patternu9213p01s01.dat
~Fabuland Tree Structureu9213s01.dat
~Fabuland Tricycle Mudguardu9205s01.dat
~Fabuland Vacuum Cleaner Halfu686s01.dat
~Fabuland Watering Can Half4325s01.dat

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