34 Building instructions in theme 'LEGO Masters'
Toothbrushes & Toothpaste from LEGO Masters New Years Special 2021 Toothbrushes & Toothpaste from LEGO Masters New Years Special 2021 Polar Bear from LEGO Masters DK Christmas Special 2021 Polar Bear from LEGO Masters DK Christmas Special 2021 Angel from LEGO Masters DK Christmas Special 2021 Angel from LEGO Masters DK Christmas Special 2021 John Dillermand from LEGO Masters Christmas Special 2021 John Dillermand from LEGO Masters Christmas Special 2021 Samba Dancer from LEGO Masters DK S01E08 Samba Dancer from LEGO Masters DK S01E08 Mega Bunny Mech from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mega Bunny Mech from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Flyer from LEGO Masters DK S01E07 Flyer from LEGO Masters DK S01E07 Wind Powered Organ from LEGO Masters DK S01E07 Wind Powered Organ from LEGO Masters DK S01E07 ESLA the Dragon from LEGO Masters DK S01E06 ESLA the Dragon from LEGO Masters DK S01E06 Micro Scale Imperial Star Destroyer from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Micro Scale Imperial Star Destroyer from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Ecco Joke in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Ecco Joke in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mini Pie Attack Drone Type 1 From LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mini Pie Attack Drone Type 1 From LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mini Pie Attack Drone Type 2 From LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mini Pie Attack Drone Type 2 From LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Stegt Flęsk in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Stegt Flęsk in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mechanical Attack Bunny from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mechanical Attack Bunny from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Sofa Fortress from LEGO Masters Denmark S01E05 Sofa Fortress from LEGO Masters Denmark S01E05 Kay Bojesen Monkey in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Kay Bojesen Monkey in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 PH Table Lamp in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 PH Table Lamp in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 The 76E Telephone in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 The 76E Telephone in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Hoptimists in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Hoptimists in "Child Minifig" scale from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mechanical Attack Bunny (under repair) from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Mechanical Attack Bunny (under repair) from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Piano from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Piano from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Micro scale Rebel Blockade Runner from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Micro scale Rebel Blockade Runner from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Toy Rocket from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Toy Rocket from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Jenga from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Jenga from LEGO Masters DK S01E05 Team Esben & Lasse from LEGO Masters DK Team Esben & Lasse from LEGO Masters DK Surfer Dude from LEGO Masters DK S01E04 Surfer Dude from LEGO Masters DK S01E04 Dynamite Mansion from LEGO Masters DK S01E01 Dynamite Mansion from LEGO Masters DK S01E01 Funfair Airport Toilet from LEGO Masters DK S01E03 Funfair Airport Toilet from LEGO Masters DK S01E03 Plane Flyer from the "Runway" ride of LEGO Masters DK S01E03 Plane Flyer from the "Runway" ride of LEGO Masters DK S01E03 The Steadfast Tin Soldier of LEGO Masters DK S01E02 The Steadfast Tin Soldier of LEGO Masters DK S01E02 Ballerina from The Steadfast Tin Soldier of LEGO Masters DK S01E02 Ballerina from The Steadfast Tin Soldier of LEGO Masters DK S01E02 3D Logo from the LEGO Masters TV Show 3D Logo from the LEGO Masters TV Show

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BrickHub.org is a place for sharing LEGO building instructions. Instructions are generated in real time, allowing you to personalise them just for your liking. As a creator you can upload instructions and immediately view steps, parts, 3D models and more.

BrickHub is based on open source software with the building instructions from buildinginstructions.js, 3D functionality from three.js and parts library from LDraw. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group. BrickHub.org is neither owned, endorsed, nor operated by the LEGO Group. Contact: lassedeleuran@gmail.com