2016 Chevrolet Corvette Z06
By Magnus Forsberg [MagFors]. Uploaded to BrickHub.org by Eduardosoares
Color Black (0)
Right is referred to the real vehicle
In Lego instruction this part is on the left of the vehicle
Left is referred to the real vehicle
In Lego instruction this part is on the right of the vehicle
Exact dimensions X = 11.0616; Z = .575
Exact dimensions X = 6.172; Z = 4.152
Exact dimensions X = 11.5; Z = 1.665
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License: Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt (LDraw)
Year: 2022 Tags: bricklink 973pb2262 set 75870
Official LEGO set 75870. Number of parts: 379
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LDraw File - OMR Version This LDraw file is has all unofficial and textured parts inlined. Original LDraw File The LDraw file is downloaded directly from the server. Studio 2.0-Safe LDraw File This LDraw file has been modified to ensure that it loads correctly in Studio 2.0.

Unofficial parts

For Studio 2.0, these parts should be saved in C:\Program Files\Studio 2.0\ldraw\Custom Parts\Parts on Windows and Applications/Studio 2.0/ldraw/Custom Parts/Parts on MAC. See this video for a guide of how to set it up in Studio 2.0 and use their rendering engine.

Description LDraw File Studio 2.0 File Preview
Models for LEGO set #75870
More uploaded by Eduardosoares
In theme 'None'

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BrickHub is based on open source software with the building instructions from buildinginstructions.js, 3D functionality from three.js and parts library from LDraw. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group. BrickHub.org is neither owned, endorsed, nor operated by the LEGO Group. Contact: lassedeleuran@gmail.com