Parts (Normal parts in the 'parts' folder of LDraw) of type '~Wheel'
All Parts / Parts / ~Wheel
Name # Image
~Wheel 1.6 x 10 for Monorail Motor and Chassisu9186.dat
~Wheel 10 x 34075.dat
~Wheel 14 x 29 Smoothu9030.dat
~Wheel 5.5 x 20 with 10 Spokes683.dat
~Wheel 6 x 20 with 10 Spokes4363.dat
~Wheel 6.4 x 8450.dat
~Wheel 6.8 x 18 for Vehicle Base 4 x 4 with 2 x 4 Studsu9032.dat
~Wheel 8 x 35 with 12 Spokesu9049.dat
~Wheel Axle Metal35b.dat
~Wheel Axle Metal with Notched End269.dat
~Wheel Centre Small for Steel Axle20.dat
~Wheel Double for Electric Mindstorms NXT Motor54725c01.dat
~Wheel Fabuland Wheelbarrow4091.dat
~Wheel Rim 26 x 7 with Rip Cord Gear Axle11140.dat
~Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs497a.dat
~Wheel Rim 8 x 35 with 12 Studsu9237.dat
~Wheel Spoked with Stud242.dat

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